18: Castillo- Following your passion, Embracing your inner child, The power of saying YES + The importance of Gratitude.
The career path of a freelance artist is not for the faint of hearts. To develop a thriving career like Castillo clearly has, one must have an IMMENSE amount of courage, confidence, fortitude and drive, aside from having actual talent in the craft at the highest level.
Castillo is already realized as one of the industry’s top hair stylists with a roster of high profile, celebrity clients and the best part is he's just getting warmed up.
Castillo with Pryanka Chopra
Castillo & Ruby Rose.
So what does it take from both an inner + external perceptive, to climb from having no career , no relationships/clients to becoming one of the most sought after hair stylists in the entertainment industry? It takes a strong mindset, vision, genuine passion and the ability to operate from a state of believing in yourself even when your still growing your confidence. All of these aspects are woven into the process of Castillo's path to be where he is today, all of which come across in this episode.
Castillo's wig designs mentioned in this episode.
This conversation is as a beautiful, funny, inspiring and REAL as my friend Castillo is. I hope you love this conversation as much as I loved having it with him.
Some of the highlights in this episode are:
Four Sigmatic adaptogen coffee/adaptogen benefits
Discovering his passion
Switching career directions
Learning how to master the ability to be alone
Opening the door when opportunity knocks- no matter what it takes
Challenges in the business
Selfcare Rituals
Embracing your Inner child
The power of saying YES
The challenges/inspiration from Improve classes
Appreciating Nervousness
What inspires Castillo most about his work
BOOKS MENTIONED: Mel Robbins:: 5 Second Rule