100. Sally McRae: Leveraging your challenges for gains, creating your most capable SELF + never giving up on your dreams.

Sally McRae is a Nike mountain runner, who competes in 50-100 mile races around the world. She is one of the highest ranking athletes in the sport of ultrarunning, she is a mommy of 2 kids, a motivational speaker and an ALL around ULTRA inspiring human.  

Sally started running as a young girl, and initially focused her athletic career goals on soccer, but then turned to running after college starting with marathons (baby steps). Marathons eventually bridged her into ultra-trail and mountain races where she shines brightly today. 

Throughout her childhood Sally battled adversity in her home life that includes losing her mother to cancer at just 17 years old. Operating from a growth mindset, she opted towards learning from her adversities which helped to create the incredibly resilient woman and pro athlete that she is today. 

She officially turned pro at 32 years old when Nike signed her— a moment that taught her to never, ever give up on her dreams. 

We covered a lot in this super elevated conversation such as

  • Leaning into your challenges and allowing them to develop your resilience + strength. 

  • Navigating around her family relationships and the importance of staying connected with her family and friends 

  • When + why Sally started running

  • How she processed officially turning pro athlete at 32 years old

  • Why Sally was drawn toward Ultra Mountain Running 

  • What she loves about running 100 mile runs in the mountains around the world

  • Her thoughts on self-image and her physique as an athlete 

  • How her body responded to her training and her races in the early stages of her career 

  • How she uses tracking and biofeedback to keep turned into her body’s needs to be performing optimally 

  • Talks around muscle health and the importance of it for overall health and performance. 

  • Why her main is focus with her body goals for racing and for life 

  • What running has taught Sally about herself 

Sally was the first guest that I recorded with when COVID-19 started to elevate globally and hit us here in the US big time. It felt like divine timing to have one of the most resilient, tough-minded, warm-hearted and high spirited humans on this planet, come on here to share her empowered mindset and super inspiring story with all of us. 

I could not be more proud to have her on the podcast and ESPECIALLY right now while we are all navigating around the adversity with COVID-19. 

Lastly, I think one of my most favorite parts of this episode are the BIG belly laughs (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) that literally gave both Sally and I refreshing break from the current reality that increased our serration levels. My hope that they make you laugh just as big too. Keep laughing, keep strong and enjoy the beautiful and inspiring energy in this talk, that is Sally McRae. 

Enjoy you guys. 

Definitely check out: the documentary we speak about in this talk titled: “Western Time” by Billy Yang Films. It documents bits of Sally's life and her journey to Western States- an invitation only 100-mile mountain race.

Stay connected:

Instagram: @yellowrunner

Website:  www.sallymcrae.com

Youtube: SallyMcraeYouTube

PS. My weekly LOVE❤️NOTES are ALIVE and ready to elevate your mindset + heart! Sign up to start receiving one weekly empowering, encouraging, bite-size LOVE❤️NOTE that is also available in audio format. I want you to start your day with this short but sweet love note so that you feel AMAZING as you tackle the hustle of your day like a BOSS.  You can sign up for them here VIA WWW.BLACKBELTBEAUTY.COM


101. Tracy Lynn: Pivoting through adversity + calming your nervous system, with a soundbath + mediation.


99. Dr. Carrie Jones: Understanding hormone health, optimizing your energy, tips that encourage resilience.