Episode 12: Clinical Nutritionist Badass: Julie Keene- The pros + cons of "Tribal diets", Epigenetics, the ripple effect diet has our health & the world.
Juli Keene is a LEGIT wealth of knowledge in the area of diet, nutrition and wellness.
She is a clinical nutritionist with a degree in bio-chemistry and over 25 years of experience in the arena of healthcare. What I love so much about Juli in addtion to her knowledge is her straight-forward, no "sugar coating" (pun intended ;)), & incredibly genuine passion towards nutrition it's direct connection to health.
In this episode Juli and I discuss the pro's and cons of "tribal diets" like Paleo, Keto, Veganisim, Vegetarian etc. vs. diets that are personalized for the individual based around their genes and lifestyle. We also discuss how diet effects your genes and plays a major role in the over all performance of ones life and ways to start designing a diet that could be perfect for your optimal health and longevity.
Juli will be a continual guest on BlackBeltBeauty Radio as we barely scratched the surface on this complex subject that we are so passionate about. There's A LOT more to come with her so my hope is that you start following her, reading the incredible amounts of knowledge she shares on her Instagram account @julikeenenutritionist .
Im excited to open up the conversation of diet and nutrition on the podcast as most of you know BlackBeltBeauty is ALL about feeling great, looking great which lends to our ability to PERFORM great. Diet is truly where it all starts so this is a subject we are going to be diving deeply into as I get deeper into this podcast... the biology geek in me just got so excited at the thought!!! 🤓 You can learn more about Juli via her website: www.julikeene.com
I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts and any questions you might have from listening to this episode. And if you love this episode please spread the love and knowledge by sharing it with your people.
Enjoy! ❤️ xRx
"FOOD- what the heck should I eat?" by Dr. Mark Hyman
"No more Ritalin- treating ADHAD with out drugs." by Mary Ann Block
DNA testing:
Keto expert: Scientist Dom D'agostino (This Joe Rogan podcast episode with him is a great way to learn more about Dom and his research in Keto.
Epigenetics: The science of our genes.
SNP: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisim
Oxalates: Oxalate is a naturally occurring molecule found in abundance in plants and humans. In plants, oxalate helps to get rid of extra calcium by binding with it. That is why so many high-oxalate foods are from plants. In humans, it may work as a “prebiotic,” feeding good bacteria in the gut.