155. SOLOSODE: Honoring your evolution + CREATING FORWARD into 2022.
Today’s Solosode is very special because not only is it the final episode of 2021 but also the 4 year anniversary of BlackBeltBeauty Radio.
As you’ll learn in this EP, launching this podcast four years ago was one of the most courageous things I’ve ever done in the pursuit of being loyal to my most authentic SELF + evolution as an artist.
The growth and connections that have come from it have been beyond my wildest dreams. I’m honored that I get to continuously create forward while empowering your highest potential in life.
In this episode I touch on:
Conquering fear to live the fullest expression of YOU.
Vital questions to ask yourself as you enter 2022 with deep intention.
What it means to be worthy of the battle AND the victory
How to empower the artist that lives within you + destroying “the box” (HERE IS THE POST I READ IN THE EP)
Honoring your truth to stay aligned with your highest SELF.
From the bottom of my heart thank YOU for being on this ultra-inspired journey with me. Every single supportive message, rating + review I receive on the podcast means the world to me + my team.
There is SO much more you can expect from this podcast in 2022 + beyond. The mission to create the most incredibly empowering podcast for you is driven by deep purpose, passion + unstoppable VISION.
I would LOVE to know how this episode impacted you via IG in the comments, DMs + story shares-- be sure to tag @roxylook @blackbeltbeauty.
As per many requests, I will be creating many more Solosodes in 2022 so if you have specific topics you’d like me to touch on in upcoming Solosodes shoot me a DM over at @roxylook
Wishing you a kickass New Year full of abundance, expansion, health, + massive love.
INSTAGRAM: @roxylook @blackbeltbeauty @queendomwarriors
WEBSITE: https://www.blackbeltbeauty.com
JOIN QUEENDOM: https://www.blackbeltbeauty.com/queendom-community
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